I Love This @$%&

Last night a colleague called me late in the evening to talk about a fantastic marketing opportunity that had fallen in her lap while she was out on the town. We talked about the opportunity, discussed some pursuit options and confirmed that it was a viable prospect. I also had to tell her what a great job she’s doing – after all, we’d just met a little over a week ago to discuss how to be a part of the overall marketing effort of the firm.

So I told her, again, that’s she’s a rockstar! Really living what we believe as a firm and letting that open doors. She told me just before we said goodbye – and I quote (edited, of course), “I just love this @$%&!”
Besides making me laugh (because of how it related to my rant about piles of poo yesterday), her comment also got me to thinking about how much easier work is when we enjoy what we do.
Optimistic or not, I know that it’s not reasonable to expect every day to be easy or even fun. But in the grand scheme of things, work is so much better when it’s enjoyable!
  • I’m good at what I do. Doing what I’m good at makes me feel good about my skills and boosts my confidence.
  • My colleagues make me laugh. I truly enjoy spending time with them both in and out of the office.
  • I love our projects. I think I work with some of the most talented folks in the industry – and our completed work validates that belief.
  • My work isn’t boring. I have constant variety that keeps my mind active, exploring and pushing the edges. FUN!
If I ever wake up to find that work has become a dreaded chore, and I’m dragging myself in every day for months on end, then I’ll know that it’s time to move on to something else. Until then, I’m going to celebrate working in tandem with my team!
It’s Shannah and the Rockstars! 
(If only I was a decent musician, that could make for a cool band, huh?!)

1 Comment

  1. But it doesn't compete with "Beth Alloway & the Diskettes"

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